Hello October

Hello October

Wow – what a busy and exciting month it’s been! The absolute highlight is of course our nomination for best children’s range in the Henries awards for our Mouthies… hurrah! It’s very possible that we’ll never get over it and never stop shouting about it!

We’ve also seen how much you’ve loved our wrap tids – tiddly widdlies which match our favourite wraps (or equally fab alone!) – and so we’ve created more to go with our best-selling designs. Keep your eyes peeled for our coloured hearts, little squares and patterned cats tids to name a few!

Make sure to keep an eye out for some sparkly new updates of our most loved designs, too. Our baby boy and girl stork cards now have scrummy silver foiled calligraphy and our transport cards come with graphic multi coloured lettering on lovely linen textured board. Yippee!

In other news, it’s felt like my job has extended to birdie baby sitter lately! As well as looking after eleven utterly adorable bantam chicks, we had three ducklings brought to us from a lovely lady who had rescued them from an unfriendly seagull. They are now very happy in the garden with our female goose Fred as their adoptive mother!

Lots of love,

Jemima x    

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Salut September
November incoming